Born in the backcountry of the Wasatch Mountains, Klymit has been challenging the conventional approach to outdoor gear since 2007. Based in Kaysville, Utah, our passion is spending time outdoors with the people you care about. We know nothing ruins a camping trip like a poor night’s sleep, which is why we work hard every day to create gear that is comfortable, easy-to-use, and engineered for every adventure. Our team designs and tests all of our gear in the illustrious deserts and mountains of Utah to ensure everything is durable, high-quality, value driven and most importantly, comfortable. We believe life is better when you are outdoors with those you love. It doesn’t matter where you are, it matters who you’re with. We’re here to make your outdoor experience the best one yet.
Featured collection

Fire Bowl
Introducing the Propane Fire Bowl Collection by Kuma: Elevate Your Outdoor Ambiance with Style and Convenience! Transform your outdoor space into a cozy and inviting gathering spot with our Propane Fire Bowl Collection from Kuma. Crafted with precision and designed to enhance your outdoor experience, these fire bowls combine elegance, functionality, and the convenience of propane fuel. Each propane fire bowl from Kuma offers the convenience of propane fuel, eliminating the need for firewood and messy cleanup. With adjustable flame controls, you can easily set the mood and customize the heat to suit your preferences. Crafted with top-quality materials and built to last, our propane fire bowls prioritize safety and durability. They are easy to ignite, require minimal maintenance, and create a smoke-free environment, allowing you to fully indulge in the enchanting ambiance they create. Embrace the enchantment of outdoor fires with our Propane Fire Bowl Collection from Kuma. Elevate your outdoor space, entertain guests, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Browse our collection today and experience the perfect harmony of style, convenience, and warmth.
Featured collection

Pelican Coolers
The adventure
starts here
We are a small business out of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta Canada. We have a simple philosophy of standing behind what we sell. We carry top industry brands and ones which are backed by warranties. We believe in offering best prices for the best quality gear. We are always looking into adding more brands for our customers and expanding the product offering. If you have a suggestion please let up know and we will be happy to explore it. We can be contacted at or call us toll free at +1(833)-740-1102 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM -4:30 PM MST)