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Thetford Vacuum Breaker

SKU: 9650-715
$51.37 CAD
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The Thetford 34122 is a replacement vacuum breaker designed for Aqua Magic Style Plus, Style Lite and Style II permanent RV toilets.
  • Fixes water leaks coming from the back of your toilet.
    • To check: wrap tissue paper around the water valve/vacuum breaker and flush the toilet. If the paper is wet, determine that it is not coming from the inlet or the outlet water connections.
    • RV toilet vacuum breakers general fail due to freeze/thaw conditions during the winter. Even a small amount of water remaining in the valve can cause the plastic to crack or weaken.
  • Figure 3 in assembly (pictured above).
  • For a complete list of all Aqua Magic II repair parts, see below.
  • Weight: 0.4 lbs.
  • Includes (1) vacuum breaker, (1) nylon flush hose & (1) nylon inlet hose, (1) closet flange seal, (4) hose clamps, and instructions.