Comfortable chair
The chair is comfortable and heats up well.
Kuma Outdoor Gear is proud to introduce the first ever padded DuoHeat System heated chair controlled by Bluetooth™ technology. Grab your phone, open the Kuma Heated App and crank up the heat! It is the ground breaking heated camping chair to make your camping experience warm and comfortable.
As the warmth sets in on both the seat and the lower back, you’ll be able to micro adjust your heat settings from 1-10 and view it on our LED Lit Bluetooth™/manual button. Also these kuma heated chairs/switchback heated chair become a great addition to your patio furniture as well.
Comes complete with beverage holder, phone pocket, 10,000 mAh rechargeable lithium battery and carry bag. Rated for 265lbs. This switchback heated chair is perfect for your next adventure.
Weight: 15lbs/ 7kg
Size: 40”(H) x 25”(W) x 18”(D)
Seat Height: 16"
The chair is comfortable and heats up well.
Just tried was a birthday present, seems to work very well ordering and shipping was great. We live at the lake so will have a good test
Great price, prompt service and delivery!
Great to sit in and the heat is a bonus
Fast shipping and excellent communication from purchase through to delivery!
Very comfortable chair with amazing heat technology and great service from RMH RV Parts. We love our heated switchback chair from RMH RV Parts
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